Tourism Hospitality

12 Reasons Why Tourism is Beneficial

Tourism is an important part of the world’s economy and an important component of many countries’ GDP (Gross Domestic Product). In addition to the economic effects, tourism is beneficial because of its several positive impacts on society, communities, and the environments in which it exists. Here are 12 reasons why tourism is beneficial…

1. Tourists Bring Tax Income:

Tourism provides huge amounts of tax income for both federal and local governments. Taxes can be levied in many different ways, including sales taxes, hotel taxes, amusement taxes, fuel taxes and even travel-related stock transfer taxes. The industry also provides jobs: Travelers can support anywhere from one to three jobs indirectly through tourism spending. For example, a purchase made at a souvenir shop often creates jobs for the people who worked to make that product, and additional positions for those who package and ship it to tourists around the world.

2. Tourists Support Local Businesses:

It’s no secret that tourists are a big business for many destinations around the world. Tourism brings in much-needed money to local economies and helps support and even create new jobs. In fact, a single tourist can inject as much as $127 into a local economy each day, according to travel consulting firm GK Dragonfly. That’s not just good news for small businesses; it also means more tax revenue for governments. The tourism industry supports millions of jobs across Europe alone, which has been hit hard by economic downturns in recent years.

3. Tourists Create Jobs:

According to data from Euro monitor International, over 29 million jobs worldwide are in some way dependent on tourism. These people work at restaurants, hotels, tourism offices, and more. This number of people wouldn’t be employed without all those tourists creating a demand for their services. And let’s not forget that governments also get income from taxes paid by tourists every year. It’s clear then that tourism creates jobs: both directly and indirectly.

4. Cultural Exchange Leads To Greater Understanding:

Every person you meet and every place you visit comes with a wealth of history and culture. Every day, we all learn something new about our world by interacting with different cultures. Tourism allows us to immerse ourselves in different ways of life, which helps us to see both similarities and differences in a constructive way. When we have a better understanding of one another’s experiences, we tend to understand each other better as well.

5. Tourism Decreases Prejudice:

We tend to treat tourists differently than we do locals. Because we see them as travelers, not residents, they get a pass on many of our social norms. They’re often allowed to relax into themselves and be unguarded, in ways that are simply not possible for local people. And when we see someone for who they really are, as opposed to an archetype or a label, our biases begin to break down and tolerance increases.

6. Tourism Decreases Poverty:

A report by Euro monitor International found that, on average, households in areas where tourism was more developed had higher per capita incomes and were less likely to live below poverty lines. Additionally, tourists also bring jobs. A study conducted by researchers at Bank of America Merrill Lynch found that every $1 billion spent on travel creates 17,300 new jobs within a country’s economy. The boost in job creation has allowed millions of people living in impoverished regions to find employment.

7. Visiting other Countries Broadens Your Perspective:

Living in one place your whole life makes it easy to lose sight of how big and diverse our world is. By traveling, you become more aware of differences in language, food, culture, and tradition. Not only does it expand your mind—it also expands your potential. If you have an idea for a new business that could serve people from all over, you’ll be more likely to pursue it if you’ve been immersed in cultures other than your own.

8. Tourism Sustains Wildlife:

According to World Travel and Tourism Council, wildlife-related tourism alone generates $75 billion annually in economic activity and provides some employment for 250 million people. The majority of tourists visiting Africa come from North America, followed by Europe and Asia. The Africa safari adventure tour is one of their most popular destinations. Millions travel to African game reserves each year to view Africa’s famous wild animals.

9. Wildlife Tourism Preserves Natural Habitats:

An estimated 12% of total tourism revenue worldwide comes from wildlife-based tourism, according to a study commissioned by World Travel and Tourism Council. The number of tourists flocking to see animals in their natural habitats tends to result in more sustainable wildlife conservation efforts. After all, if we want to continue seeing them in nature, they’ll need a safe place to live.

10. Eco-Tourism Can Reduce Pollution and Environmental Impact:

Eco-tourism works to encourage sustainable tourism and travel, particularly in developing countries. This helps reduce pollution by reducing traffic, car exhaust and noise pollution. Eco-tourism also seeks to educate visitors about local cultures, helping them understand what has made these destinations into Eco-tourist attractions. As a result of this sort of environmentally conscious travel, some tourists choose to adopt a more Eco-friendly way of life when they return home.

11. Eco-Tourism Conserves Endangered Species:

Eco-tourism helps protect wildlife and endangered species by giving conservationists a source of revenue to support their efforts. In turn, tourists are able to see these creatures in their natural habitats without disturbing them or harming them. This type of tourism also gives visitors a greater understanding of ecological balance and delicate ecosystems, which can help promote future conservation efforts. By participating in eco-tourism, visitors learn how they can help preserve nature on an individual level as well.

12. Eco-Tourism Can Protect Fragile Environment:

Many countries are dependent on tourism, especially those with unspoiled natural resources and rich cultural histories. Eco-tourism supports these economies by providing a way to make money off of these resources while protecting them in order to promote sustainability. With increased support for Eco-tourism, citizens are more likely to understand why sustainable practices are essential for their own livelihoods. These economic incentives can drive educational efforts that teach people how to protect their environment for future generations and combat climate change.


Everyone has their own opinions and thoughts on why tourism should or shouldn’t be supported. Some think it can bring a country down, while others believe that it can lead to better education, infrastructure, and even business. In reality, it’s a mix of both good and bad depending on how you look at things. Regardless of your opinions, if tourism is part of your business plan then there are positives that you should focus on—and keep in mind when trying to make an impact in local communities.


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